We are passionate about introducing new people to Pilates and all of its benefits but we also want you to start your journey the right way.

We are passionate about teaching at EQ, not just instructing. Which means we want you to learn the exercises, understand your body and become skilled in developing a coordinated and mindful approach to the movements.

With classes of no more than 8 in Mat classes and six in Equipment classes our sessions are small enough for teachers to observe, provide individual feedback and correction. Our Goal is for you to improve your skill and technique, while progressing your Pilates practice confidently and safely.


We ask everyone to take an introduction before joining our classes. This ensures our mainstream classes are never inadvertently disrupted by people joining an unsuitable class and new joiners will always feel supported and suitably challenged in an appropriate class.

Our intro packs include one private solo and two group classes to get you started.


1 x intro solo

2 x group mat classes


1 x intro solo

2 x group Reformer classes


All bookings are made via Glofox. Download the Glofox App here:


The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy.
— Joseph Pilates

Group classes are wonderful in so many situations, but sometimes private lessons can prove to be more effective.

Private lessons are especially effective when a client requires rehabilitation after illness or injury. They are also the best way to learn the fundamentals of Pilates, which is why many people chose to take a private session before joining a mainstream class.


Principal Teacher £65
(or £60 when booked in blocks of 4)
Studio Teacher £50
(or £45 when booked in blocks of four)


Principal Teacher £90
Studio Teacher £75

Our Client base is extremely diverse and there is no “typical” client here at at EQ. From the very fit and active, to those in pain and unable to move. 

We always recommend Solo class if you are new to Pilates or returning after a break and not sure which class to join. In our first session with you we can suggest a plan to move forward and get you ready to join a group class.

We also offer semi-private sessions for two - Duet.

The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power
— Joseph Pilates

Give us a call….

If you would like to discuss your joining options or need help with a booking just give us a call 0121 323 3663 or drop us a line hello@eq-pilates.co.uk